Clark Kent's Mom
Well, not really, but kinda.
My daughter Owl,IS a mild mannered reporter, and she's a super-girl to me.
This Friday as I was driving her to work I noticed the new bright orange covers for the radar boxes. They were sporting adverts for HP. I was jazzed by them. It was the most innovative advertizing I've seen in a long time. It makes so much sense to put your logo where all drivers are trained to watch... the radar boxes!
I mused, who would get the revenue, would the income from selling the ad space off-set any lost revenue because more people would slow down before the radars and not get so many tickets? I was pumping the sleepy Owl with my miriad questions and demanded that she get her newspaper to cover this event and my questions.
She discussed it as soon as she got to her office. It was agreed to send out a photographer (Friday mornings IS the slowest newsday of the week here in the ME.) He was reluctant, stating he was once arrested for trying to photograph a radar in Dubai. It was agreed that he could take a quick photo from the van.
The news staff researched the idea and the story and photo are in today's edition. Yeah, my little touch of influence!!!
Now I must go take a nap and dedicate it to the very sleepy Owl. "This one's for you, Owlly baby."